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Importance of sex, Penile erection, Causes of erection dysfunction

Importance of sex:

As we all know about the importance of sexual relationship among the couples. Every partner of the couple expect better from other one. If man can’t satisfy his partner, it will become cause of many problems and weak the relationship. The sex become more important as longer couple has been together. Many of women and men say that sex play a key role in a great a connection between partners. Sex has also two types. One is emotional sex and other is physical sex. Nobody deny from the importance of emotional sex for a better relationships. Partners have some emotional feelings and sentiments. These sentiments act like initiative for development of good relations. On other hand, physical sex is also very necessary. The man should be physically fit. He does not have any sexual disease. If he is facing the sexual problem, he must consult with his doctors. The main sexual problem among the men is erection dysfunction. Viagra is the medicine which is used to overcome this problem temporarily.

Penile erection:

Importance of Sex

The erect and firm form of penis is called penile erection. The penis enlarges its size. Spongy tissues and shaft present inside the penis play key role in penile erection. Firstly a spongy tissue inside the shaft of pennies fills with blood stream. The blood stream enters in the spongy spaces. These spongy spaces are called corpora spongoisa. When the blood fills inside it, it is stimulate by physically and mentally. The spongy spaces swell and become cause of penile erection. The anatomy of penile erection is erection dysfunction. Erection dysfunction is a medical condition where a man is unable to achieve and successfully maintain an erection of the penis. It can have physiological or psychological causes.

Causes of erection dysfunction:

There are number of causes of erection dysfunction. The most common reasons are listed below:

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Sildenafil, Viagra and Revatio are being used by the patient of erectile dysfunction. People are used Viagra as medicine to overcome the problem of erection dysfunction. Basically Viagra stimulates the blood flow. This medicine has been producing by word class pharmaceutical company. Pfizer is the world largest and famous pharmaceutical company. Viagra is the best one product of this company. This product has got repute in a very short time among the consumers. The customers of Viagra are satisfied. There are some side effects of this product. There are some limitations to use Viagra. The heart patients and diabetic patients don’t use Viagra.

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