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Erectile problems: how can erectile dysfunction be treated?

For a long time, it was difficult to talk about erectile dysfunction, yet it affects a large proportion of the male population. They most often occur between the ages of 40 and 70. Depending on the case, it is possible to take treatments to combat impotence, but they must be used with caution and on medical advice. The medical team can help you understand the causes and treatments of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile problems

Causes of erection problems

Erection problems or erectile dysfunction occur when the breakdown or reduction in the quality of erections becomes long-lasting. These problems may be caused by a number of factors, some of which may be combined. The causes may be physical or psychological, or linked to the use of certain substances and medications. Age and physical condition often play a major role, since these problems are more common after the age of 50.

According to an IFOP survey, nearly 61% of men have already suffered from erectile dysfunction. Yet only 26% of them have ever consulted a doctor about the problem. It is essential to seek medical advice to identify the causes of erectile problems and possibly find a treatment.

Erectile dysfunction: psychological causes

Stress, anguish and anxiety are the main psychological factors involved in erectile dysfunction. So-called "performance anxiety" is often responsible for dysfunctions such as rapid, short-lived erections in men, incomplete erections and even breakdowns (absence of erection). Impotence is caused by the anticipation of failure. Intense or chronic stress can also lead to this type of breakdown.

Medicinal causes of erectile dysfunction

At any age, certain medications can cause dysfunction such as impotence, in particular treatments given for:

The role of excess weight and diabetes in erectile dysfunction

Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol can all cause erectile dysfunction. These conditions are all blood vessel abnormalities and therefore play a role in performance and erection. Overweight and obesity are other physical causes of erectile dysfunction.

There are, of course, other pathologies and physical problems that can lead to erectile problems (chronic illnesses, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, addiction and alcoholism).

Erectile problems after 50: a physical cause

After the age of 50 or 60, erectile problems become increasingly common. Most of the time, they have a physical cause, linked to multiple factors such as those already mentioned (chronic illness, cardiovascular problems, etc). From this age onwards, male hormone levels fall and men often experience more health problems. These two causes can lead to impotence.

Causes of erectile problems before the age of 40

Erectile problems can occur at the age of 30, or even earlier. The source of this type of problem at this age is most often psychological. As we have seen, performance anxiety is often to blame, but so are depressive disorders, relationship problems or bad experiences with previous partners, for example.

How can erectile dysfunction be cured?

To cure erectile dysfunction, you should first consult a general practitioner. He or she will first need to determine the cause of your erectile problems before being able to suggest a solution. To do this, you will need to describe your symptoms and have a check-up, including a blood test.

If your problems are permanent (you can never get a full erection), the causes are probably physical or mechanical. If you manage to obtain erections at certain times (e.g. in the morning, at night or when masturbating), the causes are probably psychological.

Treatment for erectile dysfunction of physical origin

If your erectile dysfunction is physical in origin, you may be able to prescribe a course of medication, following a health check. There are several types of medication:

Local-action drugs are prescribed following a medical check-up to avoid undesirable side-effects, which can sometimes have serious consequences. Given the cardiovascular risks involved, you must undergo an examination to check the condition of your heart and blood vessels.

Treating erectile dysfunction also involves treating the illness in question (e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease).

Solutions for erectile dysfunction of psychological origin

When erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological factors, your doctor can refer you to a therapist or psychologist specialising in sexology. In particular, you can speak to a specialist by teleconsultation, if you wish. Depending on your situation, you can have consultations alone or as a couple. This is often enough to solve the problem of impotence.

Erectile dysfunction: are there any natural remedies?

The only natural solution to erectile dysfunction is to improve your lifestyle. Excessive alcohol consumption, diet, lack of physical activity and smoking are all possible causes of erectile dysfunction. You can seek advice from a general practitioner, who may, for example, refer you to a nutritionist or addictologist. On the other hand, homeopathy is not recognised as an effective solution for erectile dysfunction.

What should I do if I have erectile dysfunction?

How do you know if you have erectile problems?

The first thing to do is consult a doctor. To find out if you are really suffering from erectile dysfunction, and of what type, your doctor may ask you to take a test or a questionnaire. This will enable him to assess your problems and their causes. If necessary, you may be asked to undergo further tests to detect any abnormalities that may be responsible for the problem. You will also need to give details of any medication you are taking, as some of these may be responsible for the dysfunction.

Who should you see if you have erectile dysfunction?

Depending on the cause of the problem, you can consult several types of specialist, but you should first go to a general practitioner. On the basis of your symptoms, the answers you give during consultation and any test results, your GP will be able to refer you to the most appropriate specialist. This may include a consultation with a cardiologist, given the strict contraindications to the use of Viagra°-type drugs with other vasodilator drugs. This step is therefore essential.

If the problem is physical in origin, he may recommend that you consult a urologist or andrologist. If the problem is psychological, you can consult a psychotherapist specialising in sexology. In some cases, you will first need to treat the disease causing your erectile dysfunction. Different types of specialist may be indicated on a case-by-case basis.

What can be done to combat erectile dysfunction?

Lifestyle plays an extremely important role in erectile dysfunction, whatever your age. If you smoke or drink heavily, this can have an impact on your performance and your sex life. You can discuss this with a doctor to find out what habits you need to change or improve. Here are a few tips:

Erectile problems before the age of 30: what can be done?

At this age, erectile problems are generally psychological in origin. Try not to overdramatise, as this could make your problems worse. To find a solution to your erectile problems, first talk to a doctor with whom you feel confident. This is a common reason why men seek medical advice, and one that doctors are used to discussing. Try to identify the aspects of your lifestyle that may be contributing to your dysfunction and change your habits accordingly.

What to do if you have erectile dysfunction after the age of 50?

Many men aged 50 or 60 wonder what to do about their erectile dysfunction, and some don't dare talk about it. However, doctors are used to treating these problems. These problems are very common at this stage of life. Consulting a doctor is the only way to cure impotence, especially if it is physical in origin. In addition, at this age, erectile dysfunction may be a sign of another undiagnosed pathology (diabetes, high blood pressure). This is a sign to watch out for. A consultation is therefore strongly advised.

Frequently asked questions

Can you treat erectile dysfunction yourself?

Many men prefer not to discuss their problems with a doctor out of modesty, and try to find solutions on their own. We strongly advise against ordering drugs over the internet without consulting a doctor, as they are often illegal, counterfeit and very dangerous. They can have serious consequences for your health. For safe treatment, it's best to consult a doctor.

When should I seek medical advice if my erection won't stop?

If your erection persists or becomes permanent despite the absence of desire and/or if it hurts, you should consult a doctor as a matter of urgency. This problem is called priapism. It can have a variety of causes, but in the majority of cases it is due to a blood circulation disorder leading to venous priapism, which can have serious consequences if not treated in time.

Do I need a prescription for anti-impotence medication?

Most medicines prescribed to combat erectile dysfunction are only available on prescription. These medicines can have undesirable and dangerous effects on health if taken without favourable medical advice. Treatments sold online without a prescription are illegal and often counterfeit. By ordering this type of treatment online without first consulting a doctor, you are putting your health at risk.

How do I obtain a prescription for erectile dysfunction treatment?

To obtain a prescription, you must first consult a doctor. To save time and travel, you can consult a doctor remotely. You can describe the nature of your problems. Depending on your situation and your state of health, he or she may prescribe certain types of medical examination, which must be carried out before you can benefit from a prescription for medication to help you solve your problem. You will receive your prescription online.

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