After the launch and popularity of the “little blue pill” – Viagra in 1998, the issue of erectile dysfunction gets mentioned frankly and frequently. Actually some people suppose that the 1st sexual revolution was the birth control – and erectile dysfunction should be taken on the second position.
Nearly 50% men aging between 40 – 70 experience erection problems and above 23 million men have been recommended Sildenafil or Viagra, simply one of the famous drugs for ED. So why do men hesitate to talk about their tussle with erectile dysfunction?
They shouldn’t: Remaining silent about sexual stress cam worsen the situation because, certainly if a man experiences erectile dysfunction, his sex partner has to live with it too.
Primarily, erectile dysfunction may stop you from getting an erection at all or it may result in erection problem making it difficult to complete the sexual intercourse.
Erectile dysfunction can also have few severe emotional effects. Some of the emotions related with erectile dysfunction include anger, fear, depression and anxiety and they can convert sex into something you are afraid of rather than something you take pleasure in.
Here we explain how the emotional aspects of ED can lead to a cruel cycle damaging your sex life:
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Erectile dysfunction is a couple’s issue. When a man has ED, his sex companion is also influenced. You cannot remove your spouse from the problem or solution. Good interaction is the basis of a strong relationship and an important part of sexuality. Here are some tips for better communication:
These are the ways in which you and your sex companion can follow to work combined during the check-up, therapy and management of erectile dysfunction:
Erectile dysfunction has both physical and emotional components affecting you and your sex companion, and the ideal way to resolve an erection problem is to perform together as a team. Trying to cope with ED in secret will certainly be bad for your relationship and worsen it.