Erectile dysfunction is a serious situation which affects not only the individual suffering from it, but also by their partners. 5 men in every 40 complain about this dysfunction. 15 of every 25 men who are over 65 years of age have suffered from this issue. Older men are more of a target when it comes to erectile dysfunction. In addition to these injuries, side effects of drugs and diseases are also a cause.
Having a heavy figure can create an extra strain to the individual’s sexual functioning. Unhealthy emotions can lower the self-esteem of the person causing penile numbness and temporary impotence. By the age of mid-seventy, people start having difficulty with penile erection. This situation does not arise only with age, but also due to unhealthy problems.
A person will not be able to overcome the issue of erectile dysfunction if he starts having low self-esteem. This happens at many situations because the effects of impotency take a toll on the person, his partner and all the people around him.
There are various oral medications available in the market that include Sildenafil which have claims of providing solutions about 50 to 60 percent of times. L-arginine helps in producing nitric oxide which is very useful for increasing the blood flow to the genital area which in turn helps in having a penile erection.
Small physical activities are also very useful such as jogging, walking, ballroom dancing, aerobics, weight lifting. It aids the systems in the body to run efficiently, providing adequate relation and an increase in the vitality. Self hypnosis is also a procedure that can be incorporated for reducing anxiety and worry that is also a major cause of reducing sexual activity. Avanaphil, an inhibitor is used for inserting medication directly to the penis. Vacuum Constriction Device can also be taken as a potential solution to this issue. This device has the success rate of 50 to 75 percent in men.
Yohimbene helps in improving penile erection by stimulating the nervous system and the libido. Though, it works only on a small percentage of men. The partner must always be supportive and try to learn about the issue in detail.
Muira puama not only stimulates the libido, but also is effective for erectile dysfunction. The treatment must not only be physiologically based, but the importance of psychology in treatment must also be incorporated. Consuming a healthy diet which limits the consumption of refined food and saturated fats are useful in case of impotence. The variations of Muira puama are edex, prostin VR injections, Muse suppositions and caverject. In spite of the all these medications, the most popular ones for treating erectile dysfunction is Viagra.
It is not impossible to cure erectile dysfunction. There are many different ways and types of treatment methods to choose from. But one must have the knowledge of all and should make a wise decision of choosing one from all the options available.